A Portrait of a Betrayal
Here is a new piece about a man’s memory of betraying a childhood friend.
Here is a new piece about a man’s memory of betraying a childhood friend.
I’ve added a bit more since the last post. It’s starting to get a little more atmospheric. This week I plan to do some more tweaks to further the atmosphere and space.
Here’s a limited palette experimental landscape. The composition is inspired by an Ansel Adams photo. I’ve limited myself to just burnt umber, ultramarine blue and white. I’m really enjoying playing with contrasts in temperature, color, value and texture.
Summer is a great time for sketching and people watching.
My brother-in-law, and one of my favorite artists, Aaron Smith is having a show in L.A. November 22, 2015 through January 3, 2016! It will be at: Sloan Fine Art @ The Gregorio Escalante Gallery 978 Chung Kind Road, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Some simple pen drawings. I love drawing in pen for the challenge of it and forcing myself to be decisive. No erasing, no hesitation–just do it!
I wish the show wasn’t over, but last weekend I stopped by Chris Koehler’s show at Fort Gallery on 24th Street in San Francisco. This was one of my favorite pieces in the show. Chris does these amazing pen and ink drawings. “Atlas to Our Memories” is a perfect title. His work evokes a magical dreamlike […]
It’s been many years since I last attempted doing hand-lettering. There really seems to be a renaissance in the art in the last few years. In addition to all of the pros, there are now a lot of kids and hobbyists doing it too. I think that this is a good thing in that more […]
I’ve been taking classes at California College of the Arts in San Francisco and the school owns these great Universal Laser cutters. It’s amazingly easy to take an Illustrator file and have it cut on a piece of plywood. For my first experiment, I made this series of coasters. There’s something really satisfying about taking […]
Here’s a new pattern.